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Selasa, 28 Februari 2012

function of music in my life

hi friends, how are you today??
I hope you are all doing wellI just wanted to share about the functions of a music to our lives....

may be a small or large we do not know that the role of music is actually very important to us!

therefore let us study it with same ...


As part of the art music, which is one of the seven elements of universal culturemusic has auniversal social functions can generally be found in every ethnic culture anywhere in theworld ....

Emotional Expression Functions
On a variety of culturesmusic has a function as a vehicle to express ideas and emotions.In Western music is used to simulate the behavior in their communities so that there are songs to bring peaceThe creators of the music from time to time have shown expressinghis freedom of expression of emotions associated with various objects of perception such as nature, love, love, sorrow, anger, thoughtsand even they have been started by meansfiddling with the tones according to the atmosphere his heart.

Aesthetic enjoyment function

Basically everyone has been blessed by God with different learning abilities (ability to learn) and talent (talent) about anything. In addition to learning from the natural and social environmentpeople can learn from his own experienceEvery person has the ability and speed vary in terms of perceiving or understand the beauty of anything, including also the beauty of music.
to enjoy the wonderful taste (aesthetically), then people need to learn a way to get used to listening to your own favorite musicThen he can start trying endengarkan other types ofmusic he had just heard and then it will like itEvery type of music has a unique melodic, rhythmicand harmonicor related to the composition and instrumentation.

Entertainment functions

Entertainment (entertainmentis a fun activity for a person or the public heartMusic asone of the main branch also has the function of art to please, to make sense of satisfactionwill be the rhythm, melodic languageor regularity of harmonyA person may notunderstand the text to musicbut he was quite satisfied or comforted his heart with melodypatternsor rhythmic patterns in a specific musical rhythm.
If classical music lovers are very pleased with the complexity of music and orkestrasinyaupthen pop music lovers more entertained with poetry textsmelodies that touch theheart, the attraction stageor even just the popularity of the singer aloneNow music identified even more entertainment functions as music industry develops very fast.

Communication function

Music had long ago used to good communication tool in a state of peace or war.Communication that uses the sound of the trumpet (a kind of trumpet), trumpet shells are also used in the tribes of the coast, kentongan also be used as a communication tool in Java securityand teriakanteriakan was known in the indigenous tribes who lived on the mountain and in forest-forestSounds regularrhythmic pattern of patternsand uses the melody aluralur indicate a function of communication in music. Electronic communicationsthat use the phone daily increasing use of musical sounds.

Symbolic representation of the function
In various national culturestribesor areas that still maintain the tradition of their ancestorsmusic is used as a means of realizing the symbols of traditional values ​​andculture. Pleasuresadnessloyaltyobediencerespect, pride, and sense of belongingortheir peculiar feelings symbolized by the music either alone or be part of the dancepoetry,and upacaraupacara.

Response Functions of Social
The creators of the national anthem Indonesia is very sensitive to the social conditionsthe level of social welfare, and public anxietyThey create the popular songs that use poetry to touch the public's attention as that of BimboEbiet G. Ade, Iwan Fals, Harry Roesli,GomblohSigar Lilly Brothersand many moreIn general, the creators of the song wasdoing social criticism and even violent protests mainly directed towards the government.The other street is equally exciting echoed the songs of social protestsuch as the themesong PNSthe suffering of street childrenyoung people without directionand so forth.

Education Function of Social Norms

Music being used as a medium to teach the normsrules that do not even written yetapplicable in the communityThe Bu-songwriter kids like Mattresses, Mattresses PakPakDaljonoAT MahmudMs. Sud-all trying to teach children in a modestrefinedrespectful to parentslove of beautylove of plants and animalsobedient to the teacher, etc. . Natural beautysocial welfarecomforts of lifeand all norms of social life has been a very important concern of the creators of the song.

Conservation Function CultureThe songs serve as the many cultural conservationists, because the themes and stories in the poem clearly illustrates the culture. Lyrics of songs are also derived from the usual pantunpantun sung by indigenous peoples and regions in Indonesia. Minangkabau culture can be protected in various ways, but the music is very clear Minang easy to represent the characteristics that appeal to the home to a culture that is the province of West Sumatra and its vicinity. Javanese songs, ranging from the classics to today's popular music campursari color, loved the people of Central Java and Yogyakarta to complete kroncong music which first evolved. Javanese culture is preserved there through syairsyair swapped Java, melodies of Javanese gamelan music. Sundanese music and surrounding areas in West Java has a very distinctive flavor that is part of social rituals and religious communities. Indonesia has a rich culture and especially music as among the world's best known as East Java, Bali, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua and even.The Unifying FunctionEvery nation has a national anthem (national anthem), which represents the aesthetic taste, the national spirit and character of each culture. National anthem Indonesia Raya Wage Rudolf Soepratman creation is a song or music that is created to unite the Indonesian people who inhabit areas in the archipelago consisting of thousands of large and small islands. Cultural diversity is very much the amount should be summarized in one unified national culture without leaving the local cultures. In the ground-water unit, the nation, and language; Indonesia introduced to the world through Indonesia Raya. However, Indonesia's national songs are also not a few who could serve as a unifying nation though not as a national anthem, flag Berkibarlah example among others, Young women, Youth Build, For you Home Affairs, The Nusa One Nation, Indonesia Heritage, Independence Day, Flirt Coconut Island , Mars Pancasila, Halo-Halo Bandung, and Gratitude.Functions of Trade PromotionMusic that dikreasi for trade promotion purposes is now being developed along with the growth rate of the ads that aired on radio and television broadcasts, private television, especially in Jakarta and major cities in Indonesia. Ad music could have been designed by its creator as new, but also there is a shaped piece of an existing song, already popular, and favored the intended market segment.

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